The First National Bank & Trust Co., Chickasha



About Us

Our Mission: We commit to promote the success of our customers and communities, provide high quality financial services, and maintain a strong, safe financial institution. One guiding mission statement has fueled our thinking in all aspects of business for more than 40 years since it was written. These vital 23 words are so much more to us –as employee owners –than merely an optimistic and aspirational sentiment. Our mission statement is discussed and debated in every team and every committee every single year.

Our mission statement is a philosophy. It frames decision making in the executive team, and it anchors the work in operations, lending, trust services and training.

In this statement, we identify four active verbs – commit, promote, provide and maintain. As our teams work together to applaud and support the hardworking people in our service area who operate businesses, lead families and serve in charities, we provide fuel for community life.

Across our service area, you’ll find FNBT bankers active in every aspect of community life. And you’ll find us working tirelessly to promote the success of our customers and communities . For more than 125 years, we’ve served Central and Southwest Oklahoma as an independent community bank strengthening small business with services that support their growth.

A new bank is under construction in Goldsby after the Dec. 28 groundbreaking by builders and bankers from The First National Bank & Trust Co. When complete, this bank will be the twelfth location of FNBT, a key player in the area’s growing economy.


A new bank is under construction in Goldsby after the Dec. 28 groundbreaking by builders and bankers from The First National Bank & Trust Co. When complete, this bank will be the twelfth location of FNBT, a key player in the areaâ??s growing economy. From left are builder and entrepreneur Scott Adkins; SVP Lender Brad Duvall; home designer, builder and FNBT Director Tina Adkins; Goldsby Mayor Glenn Berglan; Principal Architect Walter Henry; Board Chairman Pat Brooks; President & CEO John Gorton; EVP and Chief Financial Officer Kyle Abrahams; SWH Construction Operations Manager Justin Robertson; Town Administrator Adam Vossen; VP Lender Jamie Beard; and Construction Administrator Danny Choate . The new bank joins a variety of commercial and retail developments underway in Goldsby. [Member FDIC]

Rep/Contact Info

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Jamie Beard
Vice President, Manager & Lender
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Ryan Odom
Senior Vice President Commercial Lending

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Heart of Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce for more information.
305 W. Main Street, Purcell, OK 73080 – (405) 527-3093 –